610 – Rectangular ribbed insert in PP thread M10

For all internal finned tips, the head size refers to the external dimension of the tube.



610 SCHEDA 1
wdt_ID Codice Testa A B
1 610001INPRF9 20x30 19 6
2 610002INPRF9 20x35 19 6
3 610003INPRF9 20x40 19 6
4 610004INPRF9 20x50 19 6
5 610006INPRF9 20x60 19 6
6 610005INPRF9 25x50 22 6
7 610010INPRF9 30x50 22 6
8 610008INPRF9 30x60 22 6
Codice Testa A B

Thread M8 on request
Not suitable for castors